1. 浮游植物和浮游细菌生产过程
2. 海洋浮游植物营养盐吸收动力学及其与物理环境的耦合
3. 典型热带海洋珊瑚礁生态系统生产过程对环境胁迫(如:酸化、陆源输入)的响应
1998年 厦门大学海洋系获海洋生物学学士学位
2001年 中科院南海所获环境科学硕士学位
2004年 中科院研究生院获海洋生物学博士学位
2013-至今 海南热带海洋生物实验站,研究员
2007-2013 海南热带海洋生物实验站,副研究员
2004-2007 海南热带海洋生物实验站,助理研究员
2007.11-2008.02 香港科技大学大气、海洋和沿岸环境实验室任高级研究助理
2003.07-11 香港科技大学大气、海洋和沿岸环境实验室任研究助理
1. 2010年获得海南省科学技术奖(一等奖,参加者)
2. 2003年获得广东省科学技术奖(三等奖,参加者)
3. 2001年获广州分院院长奖学金
1. Weihua Zhou, Jianzu Liao, Yajuan Guo, Xiangcheng Yuan*, Hui Huang, Tao Yuan, Sheng Liu. 2017. High dark carbon fixation in the tropical South China Sea. Continental Shelf Research, 146: 82-88.
2. Xiangcheng Yuan*, Hui Huang, Weihua Zhou, Tao Yuan, Xiubao Li, Yongli Gao, Sheng Liu. 2016. Long-term variations in oxygen in sub-tropical coastal waters: Influence of sewage effluent, Aquatic Ecosystem Health and Management, 19(4): 336-344.
3. Weihua Zhou*, Jie Gao, Jianzu Liao, Ronggui Shi, Tao Li, Yajuan Guo. 2016. Characteristics of Phytoplankton biomass, primary production and community structure in the Modaomen Channel, Pearl River Estuary, with special reference to the influence of saltwater intrusion during Neap and Spring tides. PLoS ONE, 11(12): e0167630. doi: 10.1371/journal.pone.0167630.
4. Hongzhou Xu, Sumin Liu, Qiang Xie*, Bo Hong, Weihua Zhou*, Yanying Zhang, Tao Li. 2016. Seasonal variation of dissolved oxygen in Sanya Bay. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 19(3): 276-285.
5. Xiangcheng Yuan*,Weihua Zhou*, Hui Huang, Tao Yuan, Xiubao Li, Weizhong Yue, Yongli Gao, Sheng Liu, Gang Pan, Hongbin Liu, Kedong Yin, Paul J. Harrison. 2016. Bacterial influence on chromophoric dissolved organic matter in two coastal waters of the northern South China Sea. Aquatic Microbial Ecology, 76: 207-217.
6. Juan Ling, Yangying Zhang, Junde Dong*, Youshao Wang, Jingbing Feng, Weihua Zhou. 2015. Spatial variations of bacterial community and its relationship with water chemistry in Sanya Bay, South China Sea asdetermined by DGGE fingerprinting and multivariate analysis. Ecotoxicology, 24: 1486-1497.
7. Weifen Hu, Lanlan Zhang*, Muhong Chen, Lili Zeng, Weihua Zhou, Rong Xiang, Qiang Zhang, Shihao Liu. 2015. Distribution of living radiolarians in spring in the South China Sea and its responses to environmental factors. Science China: Earth Science, 58(2): 270-285.
8. Weihua Zhou*, Xiangcheng Yuan, Aimin Long, Hui Huang, Weizhong Yue. 2014. Different hydrodynamics processes regulated on water quality (nutrients, dissolved oxygen and phytoplankton biomass) in three contrasting waters of Hong Kong. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 186: 1705-1718.
9. Aimin Long*, Lingyan Sun, Ronggui Shi, Weihua Zhou, Aicui Dang. 2013. Saltwater intrusion induced by a complete neap tide and its effect on nutrients variation in the estuary of Pearl River, China. Journal of Coastal Research, 29(5): 1158-1168.
10. Weihua Zhou, Kedong Yin*, Paul J. Harrison, Joseph H.W. Lee. 2012. The influence of late summer typhoons and high river discharge on water quality in Hong Kong waters. Estuarine Coastal and Shelf Science. 111 (2012) 35-47.
11. Weihua Zhou*, Kedong Yin, Aimin Long, Hui Huang*, Liangmin Huang, Dedi Zhu. 2012. Spatial-temporal variability of total and size-fractionated phytoplankton biomass in the Yangtze River Estuary and adjacent East China Sea coastal waters, China. Aquatic Ecosystem Health & Management, 15(2): 200–209.
12. Weihua Zhou*, Aimin Long, Tao Jiang, Shaoyong Chen, Liangmin Huang, Hui Huang, Chuanghua Cai, Yan Yan. 2011. Bacterioplankton dynamics along the gradient from highly eutrophic Pearl River Estuary to oligotrophic northern South China Sea in wet season: Implication for anthropogenic inputs. Marine Pollution Bulletin, 62: 726-733.
13. Weihua Zhou, Kedong Yin*, Xiangcheng Yuan, Xiuren Ning. 2009. Comparison of the effects of short-term UVB radiation exposure on phytoplankton photosynthesis in the temperate Changjiang and subtropical Zhujiang estuaries of China. Journal of Oceanography, 65(5): 627-638.
14. Weihua Zhou*, Tao Li, Chuanghua Cai, Liangmin Huang, Hankui Wang, Jirong Xu, Junde Dong, Si Zhang. 2009. Spatial and temporal dynamics of phytoplankton and bacterioplankton biomass in Sanya Bay, northern South China Sea. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 21: 595-603.
15. Xiangcheng Yuan, Kedong Yin*, Weihua Zhou, Wenxi Cao, Xiaoqiang Xu, Di Zhao. 2007. Effects of ultraviolet radiation B (UV-B) on photosynthesis of natural phytoplankton assemblages in a marine bay in Southern China. Chinese Science Bulletin, 52(4): 545-552.
16. Weihua Zhou, Yunhua Wu, Shaoyong Chen*, Kedong Yin. 2003. Distribution of organic matter, iron and manganese in surface sediments in the district of Nansha Islands, South China Sea. Marine Science Bulletin, 5(2): 14-21
大气、海洋和沿岸环境实验室, Research Associate, 2007-11至2008-02
大气、海洋和沿岸环境实验室, 研究助理, 2003-07至2003-11
海洋生物, 学士, 1994-09至1998-07