教授, 2001-03至现在
精仪系, 教授, 2001-03至现在
University of Arkansas
Deparment of Physics, Research Associate, 1999-08至2001-03
Bell Laboratories, Murray Hill, New Jersey, USA
Research Associate, 1999-09至2000-08
University of Exeter, UK
Dept of Applied Physics, Research fellow, 1998-08至1999-07
National Institue of Metrology, Japam
Length division, STA, 1996-03至1997-02
University of California, Santa Barbara
ECE, postdoc, 1994-01至1996-02
非线性光学, 博士, 1990-01至1992-07
光学, 硕士, 1986-09至1989-07
物理学, Bachelor, 1982-09至1986-08