I works in the area of arithmetic geometry. A major theme of my research is the employment of number theory and group representation theory in the determination of structures of abelian varieties, such as their endomorphism rings, Mumford-Tate groups, Newton polygons, etc. I am also actively seeking to broaden my research area to include the moduli space of abelian varieties and Shimura varieties.
数学与统计学院, 教授, 2019-06至现在
数学与统计学院, 副教授, 2014-08至2019-05
Academia Sinica, Taiwan Region, China
Institute of Mathematics, Post-doctoral, 2012-08至2014-07
NCTS, Taiwan Regiion, China
Mathematics division, Post-doctoral, 2010-08至2012-07
Pennsylvania State University
Mathematics, Ph.D, 2004-09至2010-08