生化与分子生物学系, 教授, 2016-01至现在
生命科学学院, 副教授, 2016-01至现在
美国 The burnham institute for Medical Research
Center for Neurosciences and Aging, visiting schooler, 2004-07至2005-06
美国University of Arkansas for Medical Sciences (Little Rock)
Department of Microbiology and Immunology, visiting schooler, 2000-04至2001-06
美国College of Veterinary Medicine Cornell university
department of Microbiology and immunology, Visiting schooler, 1998-12至2000-03
美国Cornell university
Boyce Thompson Institute for Plant Research, 访问学者, 1997-11至1998-11
昆虫病毒研究室, 副研究员, 1990-08至1997-10
发酵研究室, 助理工程师, 1982-08至1987-08