周允基现为香港理工大学屋宇设备工程学系建筑科学及消防工程荣休教授、前建筑科学及消防工程讲座教授、前屋宇设备工程学系系主任及前消防工程研究中心主任,从事大学教育、科研及行政40多年。自2002年起担任美国防火工程师学会香港分会创会主席,2007年起担任亚太区火灾科学及技术协会主席,2015年起担任美国防火工程师学会亚太区分会联络小组主席,并当选为2016年至2019年美国防火工程师学会董事局成员。2012年12月,当选为香港工程科学院院士。2013年7月获特区政府行政长官委任为非官守太平绅士。 在2003年、2006年和2011年分别获得美国防火工程师学会颁发的 Hat's Off Award 奖项、Harold E. Nelson Service Award 奖项和 John L. Bryan Mentor Award 奖项。2015年获亚太区火灾科学及技术协会颁授终身贡献奖。2018年获香港工程师学会颁授金奖。 周教授带领着在香港有国际领先水准的消防工程研究中心团队,40多年来曾主持多项国内外重点 科研项目及关键技术应用项目,长期获邀担任香港与国内外政府部门、大学科研院所以及工业界的资深专家顾问。另外他还担任多个国际火灾科学学会职务,以及香港工程师学会,英国皇家注册设备工程师协会,美国防火工程师学会资深会员等。 周教授主要研究领域为建筑科学,消防及安全科学工程。过去40年来,周教授于火灾建模,消防系统,不同类型建筑的防火,建筑能耗模拟及评估,以及室内空气动力学等各方面取得突出成果。已成为计算流体力学,尤其是火灾场建模方面的资深专家。其目前主要研究方向为300米以上超高层建筑中的消防及自然通风措施。周教授已有超过1000篇学术论文发表于各类国际学术期刊及国际会议,超过300篇发表在科学引文索引(SCI)的国际学术期刊上。在2020年史丹福大学编制的 "科学界作者标准化引文指标数据库", 当中的学术领域 "策略,防卫与保安研究",排名全球17157位学者中的第22位。周教授还担任多所大学的客座教授,其中包括澳大利亚维多利亚科技大学,英国阿尔特斯大学,中国科学技术大学(亦被委博士生导师),哈尔滨工程大学(亦被委博士生导师),首都经贸大学,北京工业大学,南京工业大学,山东建筑大学及中国民用航空飞行学院等。在他的指导下,已有超过60位博士生顺利毕业并取得建筑科学及消防工程方面的博士学位。 周教授领导了发展中国家超高层建筑、长隧道、深地下地铁、火车站、大礼堂大型建筑工程消防安全性能设计的实施并提出建议。并就研究结果向政府提供了有关消防安全、通风及照明新守则的建议。并向世界各地区200多个大型建筑项目提出消防安全规定的建议,其中包括作为顾问的1990 年的香港新机场工程; 2010年台湾高铁; 2005年北京奥运会会馆; 及2010年的台湾高铁等项目。 在过去40年内,在香港工程师学会发展建筑服务工程及消防工程学科; 2002年成立消防工程师学会-香港分会并任会长领导相关的专业活动。被公认为国际领先的消防工程领导者。 Professor W.K. Chow is currently Emeritus Professor (Architectural Science and Fire Engineering) at The Hong Kong Polytechnic University (PolyU). Chow graduated from the University of Hong Kong with a first class honours BSc degree in 1977, an MSc degree in Teaching from Portland State University, Portland, Oregon, USA in 1979, and a PhD degree in Computing Physics also from University of Hong Kong in 1983. He started his teaching career at the Hong Kong Polytechnic as an Assistant Lecturer in 1981, promoted to Chair Professor in 1998. He retired from Chair Professor of Architectural Science and Fire Engineering (1998-2019) and Director of Research Centre for Fire Engineering (2000-2019). He also served as the Head of the Department of Building Services Engineering from 2009 to 2016. He taught graduate level courses on Fire Dynamics, and Fire Engineering Systems; and oversees final year BEng degree student research projects and MSc/MEng dissertations. He is going to lead fire and explosion activities in some institutions in China. His research areas are on fire models, fire suppression systems, smoke management systems and fire safety of green constructions. He has published over 1,000 papers (over 300 in SCI journals) and conference presentations and graduated over 60 PhD students (39 as Chief Supervisor at PolyU). He is Guest Professor and Supervisor of Doctoral Degree Candidates to University of Science and Technology of China and Harbin Engineering University; and has been Visiting Professor to many other universities such as Victoria University in Australia, University of Ulster in the UK and Shandong Jianzhu University in China. He is the Founding President of the Society of Fire Protection Engineers (SFPE) - Hong Kong Chapter since 2002; and the President of the Asia-Oceania Association for Fire Science and Technology since 2007. He was elected to be a Fellow of the Hong Kong Academy of Engineering Sciences in 2012; and appointed as a Justice of the Peace by the Chief Executive of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region in 2013. He was awarded the Nelson Service Award in 2006, John L. Bryan Mentor Award in 2011 and Bronze Prize of Award for Chapter Excellence in 2016 by the Society of Fire Protection Engineers. He was elected to be Chair of SFPE Asia-Oceania Chapters Coordinating Group in 2015. And he was awarded the Lifetime Contribution Award by the Asia-Oceania Association for Fire Science and Technology in 2015, and the Gold Medal of the HKIE in 2018. He has served on many government committees in Hong Kong in approving performed-based design projects on providing fire safety since 1998, assisting the government to approve big construction projects and mentoring officers. He is also active in consultancy projects including heat release rate estimation, active fire protection systems, fire safety strategy, performance-based design, atrium hot smoke tests, staircase pressurization systems, ventilation provisions and emergency, and evacuation in the 2008-Olympic Halls in Beijing. Chow has contributed to provide a comfortable, safe and healthy environment for sustainable buildings with tall height, large space volume and located in deep underground through research, university teaching, assisting government to approve fire safety design in new big construction projects, high-level consultancy projects, and service to local and international professional institutions. Published over 1000 articles with over 300 in SCI journals, over HK$30 Million research and consultancy funding and successfully graduated over 60 PhD students as Chief Supervisor in different universities. He was ranked 22 among 17157 researchers worldwide in the subject field "Strategic, Defence & Security Studies" in the "Updated science-wide author databases of standardised citation indicators" compiled by Stanford University in 2020. He has served on the Editorial Board of many international journals cited by SCI and EI. He was Associate Editor of Energy - The International Journal (2001 - 2003); Executive Editor of Journal of Applied Fire Science (2014); and Editor of Journal of Building Engineering - Special Issue on Building Fire Safety Engineering (2014 - 2015). Currently, he is the Guest Editor of Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology - Special Issue on Fire Safety of Tunnel and Underground Space (2019 - ); Guest Editor of Indoor and Built Environment - Special Issue on Fire Safe Indoor and Built Environment (2020 - ); Guest Editor of Atmosphere - Special Issue on Spreading of Novel Coronavirus (COVID-19) in Ambient Air: Modeling, Prediction and Mitigation Strategies (2021 - ); Associate Editor of Architecture, Structures and Construction (2021 - ); and editorial board member of Journal of Modern Physics (2021 - ); Indoor and Built Environment (2020 - ); Tunnelling and Underground Space Technology (2019 - ); Architectural Science Review (2000 - ), International Journal for Fire Science and Technology (2004 - ); Journal of Human-Environment System (2006 - ), The Open Construction and Building Technology Journal (2007 - ), Building Simulation - An International Journal (2007 - ); Journal of Fire Sciences (2011 - ); and Fire Science Reviews (2011 - ).
Hong Kong Polytechnic
Dept. of Building Services Engineering, Reader (College of Degree Studies), 1993至1995
Hong Kong Polytechnic
Dept. of Building Services Engineering, Sen. Lecturer(College of Degree Studies), 1992至1993
Hong Kong Polytechnic
Dept. of Building Services Engineering, Principal Lecturer, 1989至1992
Hong Kong Polytechnic
Dept. of Building Services Engineering, Senior Lecturer, 1988至1989
Hong Kong Polytechnic
Dept. of Building Services Engineering, Lecturer, 1982至1988
Hong Kong Polytechnic
Dept. Building and Surveying/Dept. BSE, Assistant Lecturer, 1981至1982
Portland State University,USA
Physics, Education, MSc in Teaching, 1978-09至1979-06