地球科学与工程学院, 副教授, 2018-06至现在
School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Associate Professor, 2018-06至现在
Canada center for mapping and earth observation
Natural Resource Canada, Research Scientist, 2016-10至2018-06
Canada center for mapping and earth observation
Natural Resource Canada, NSERC Visiting Fellow, 2015-10至2016-09
Eerth Observatory of Singapore
Nanyang technological University, Visiting scholar, 2015-07至2015-08
Institute of geophysics
China earthquake administration, Research Associate, 2006-07至2015-08
SIO, UCSD, Visiting PhD student, 2013-09至2013-12
University of Glasgow
Earth Science, PhD, 2011-10至2015-04
Institute of crustal dynamics, CEA
Geophyisics, Master, 2003-09至2006-07
China University of Mining & Technology (Beijing)
Geological Engineering, Bachelor, 1999-09至2003-07