Renhua Qiu was born in Hunan Province, China. He received B.Sc. degree in Hunan Normal University in 2004, and received Ph.D. in Hunan University in 2011. He was a research assistant (2010) with Prof. C.-T. Au in Hong Kong Baptist University and visiting researcher (2011) with Dr. L.-B. Han in AIST (Japan). From 2009 to present, he worked as lecturer and later assistant professor (2011) in Hunan University. he visited Osaka University (Japan) as a JSPS fellow (2012) with Prof. N. Kambe. Dr. Qiu’s main research interest includes organometallic chemistry, Lewis acid catalysis, and C-H bond activation.
Hunan University
Chemical Engineering and Technology, Ph.D, 2004-09至2011-10
Hunan Normal University
Chemistry, Bachelor, 2000-09至2004-07