Dr. Luke LI Hong is a professor in economics, PhD supervisor of regional economics, and director of International Relations Department in the Institute of China-ASEAN Research of Guangxi University.<br><br>He joined Guangxi University in August 1996 as a researcher on China-ASEAN regional economy cooperation after working 5 years in the Machinery Industry Department of Guangxi Government. He obtained a BEc, majoring in statistics from Hangzhou Dianzi University in 1991, a postgraduate diploma in Applied Mathematics from Guangxi University in 1999, and a PhD degree in Management, majoring in international relations from Macau University of Science and Technology in 2007.<br><br>From 2007 to 2009, he worked as a Post-Doctoral Fellow in the University of Macau.<br><br>Currently, he teaches bilingual courses such as Regional Economics, International Economic Cooperation, World Economy / Global Business, and Trade in Culture for postgraduate and undergraduate students.<br><br>Dr. LI has published 3 books and more than 60 academic articles on international region integration and cross-border spatial economy issues in Singapore, Malaysia, Vietnam, Hong Kong, Macao and mainland China.<br><br><br>Dr. LI 现任经济学教授、区域经济学博士生导师、广西大学中国—东盟研究院国际关系研究所所长。他毕业于杭州电子科技大学统计专业、广西大学应用数学专业、澳门科技大学国际关系专业及澳门大学区域经济合作方向博士后。1996年从事区域经济一体化问题研究之前,他在广西机械工业厅任综合统计,此后在广西大学东南亚研究中心、理学院技术经济系、澳门科技大学可持续发展研究所、广西大学商学院国际经济贸易系及澳门大学澳门研究中心从事教研各三几年,师从简金宝教授、黄枝连(NG Kee Lian)教授、袁少芬教授、杨允中(Ieong Wan Chong)教授等前辈研习应用数学、东亚历史与国际关系、民族文化及区域经济学;择艰难,兼文算,敬信笃,一路蒙福。自1984年科技小论文获省级奖之后,他一直致力于以文字服事社会。至今,在新加坡、马来西亚、越南、港澳及内地期刊发表“边境区域经济一体化”系列论文等60余篇、专著3部,开设《区域经济学》、《计量经济学》、《文化贸易/Trade in Culture》、《世界经济/Global Business》等双语课程。
商学院, 研究实习员, 2006-01至现在
Guangxi University
Business School, 2003-10至现在
澳门研究中心, 博士后, 2007-10至2009-10
技术经济系, 2003-09至2006-09
科研, 1996-08至2003-08
区域经济, 2007-10至2009-10
区域经济, Doctor, 2003-09至2007-03
应用数学, 1997-09至1999-07