谷劲松,男,教授,理学博士。长期从事微生物生物技术研究,曾先后主持和参与过数十项国内外科研项目,2004-2011曾先后于加拿大麦吉尔大学医学院、美国路易斯维尔大学医学院从事生物化学与分子生物学、生物医学工程及生理学的研究,师从多次获诺贝尔奖提名的国际著名教授Thomas Chang博士,参与加拿大国家卫生研究院及魁北克省卫生血液预防研究项目“人工纳米细胞、器官及血液替换的研究”(总经费约合1900万元)。目前已发表研究论文数十篇,其中在SCI收录英文期刊上发表论文十余篇,申请国家发明专利7项。<br><br>已发表的代表性论文:<br> Jingsong Gu, Xiaojun Tan, Enzymatic Analysis Method for AdoMet-dependent Methyltransferases. Chem. J. Chinese Universities. 2012,33 (3): 521-525<br> Jingsong Gu, Chunjiang Ye. pYEMF, a pUC18-derived Xcm I T-vector for efficient cloning of PCR products. Molecular Biotechnology. 2011, 47 (3):229–233<br> Chunjiang Ye, Jingsong Gu et al. Unit cloning and amplification as novel and universal strategies for complex vector construction and small DNA fragment preparation. Electrophoresis. 2010, 31(17):2929-35<br> Jingsong Gu, Thomas Chang. Extraction of Erythrocyte Enzymes for the Preparation of Polyhemoglobin-catalase-superoxide Dismutase, Artificial Cells, Blood Substitutes, and Biotechnology, 2009, 37(2): 69-77<br> Jingsong Gu, Yuanxiu Wang. PolySOD-catalase as a therapeutic agent with antioxidant properties. Pharmaceutical Biology, 2009, 47(7): 620–623<br> Jingsong Gu, Yuan Xiu Wang, Qiang Jiao. Biocatalyst preparation from Pseudomonas putida SM-6 for conversion of DL-lactate to pyruvate. Biochemical Engineering Journal 2005, 22 (2): 89-96 <br> Jingsong Gu, Yuan Xiu Wang, Qiang Jiao. Effect of catalase on biocatalytic synthesis of pyruvate by enzymes from Pseudomonas sp. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2004, 15 (11): 1299-1302 <br> Jingsong Gu, Ping Xu, and Yinbo Qu. A biocatalyst for pyruvate preparation from DL-lactate: lactate oxidase in a Pseudomonas sp. Journal of molecular catalysis B: Enzymatic. 2002, 18 (4-6): 299-305 <br> Jingsong Gu, Ping Xu, and Yinbo Qu. Biocatalytic synthesis of pyruvate from DL-lactate with enzymes in Pseudomonas sp. Chinese Chemical Letters. 2002, 13 (12): 1213-1216
生物科学与技术学院, 教授, 1996-07至现在
University of Louisville
Department of Molecular Biology an Biochemistry, Research Assistant (Associate), 2008-05至2009-06
McGill University
Physiology Department, 博士后, 2004-08至2007-09
微生物研究组, 研究实习员, 1991-12至1993-09
微生物学, Doctor, 1999-09至2002-12
微生物学, Master, 1993-09至1996-07
微生物工程, Bachelor, 1987-09至1991-07