杨红军,男,1981年10月出生,山东阳信人。讲师,博士。2008年毕业于曲阜师范大学化学与化工学院,获理学硕士学位,同年进入滨州学院黄河三角洲生态环境研究中心工作;2015年获中国科学院东北地理与农业生态研究所环境科学博士学位,师从于洪文研究员(百人计划)。主要从事环境污染监测,环境修复材料与技术,污染生态学等环境化学方面的研究。近年来,主讲《仪器分析》、《土壤肥料学》、《生物化学实验》、《工业助剂》等多门课程。主持和参与国家级、省级、市级和校级科研项目多项。发表学术论文20余篇,其中SCI、EI论文10篇;参与编写著作2部。申报国家发明专利2项。<br>研究领域:环境科学与工程<br>1.环境污染监测。<br>2.重金属污染、放射性污染、有机污染物治理用材料与技术。<br>Email:sfyanghongjun@126.com <br>近三年发表主要论文:<br>[1] Hongjun Yang, Haiyan Li, Jiali Zhai, Lei Sun, Hongwen Yu*. In situ growth of Prussian blue nanocrystal within Fe3+ crosslinking PAA resin for radiocesium highly efficient and rapid separation from water, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2015, 277(1), 40-47.<br>[2] Hongjun Yang, Lei Sun, Jiali Zhai, Haiyan Li, Yan Zhao, Hongwen Yu*. In situ controllable synthesis of magnetic Prussian blue/graphene oxide nanocomposites for removal of radioactive cesium in water. Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2(2), 326-332, 2014.<br>[3] Hongjun Yang, Haiyan Li, Jiali Zhai, Lei Sun, Yan Zhao, Hongwen Yu*. Magnetic Prussian blue/graphene oxide nanocomposites caged in calcium alginate microbeads for elimination of cesium ions from water and soil. Chemical Engineering Journal, 1(246), 10-19, 2014.<br>[4] Hongjun Yang, Haiyan Li, Jiali Zhai, Lei Sun, Hongwen Yu*. Simple synthesis of graphene oxide using ultrasonic cleaner from expanded graphite. Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 53(46), 17878-17883, 2014.<br>[5] Hongjun Yang*, Wenjun Xie, Qing Liu, Jingtao Liu, Hongwen Yu*. Zhaohua Lu. Distribution of phthalate esters in topsoil: a case study in the Yellow River Delta, China. Environmental Monitoring and Assessment, 185, 8489-8500, 2013.<br>[6] 杨红军, 谢文军*, 陈志英, 陆兆华. 六种野草对土壤中菲的降解研究. 土壤通报, 43(5), 1242-1246, 2012.<br>[7] 杨红军, 谢文军, 陆兆华*. 芦苇湿地对造纸废水中有机污染物的去除效果及机理. 环境工程学报, 6(7), 2201-2206, 2012.
无机化学, 硕士, 2005-09至2008-06
化学工程与工艺, 本科, 2001-09至2005-06