主要学术成就<br>1) 详细分析了植物基因VIP1在农杆菌介导的植物遗传转化中的作用,剖析了VIP1的N-端及C-端的在农杆菌介导的转化过程中分别起不同的作用,并证明了VIP1的C-端对VIP1与植物组蛋白H2A的互作是必需的,这种互作对T-DNA复合体在植物寄主染色体上的定位起重要作用。<br>2) 发现植物细胞内DNA双链修复蛋白基因Ku80参与农杆菌介导的遗传转化过程,并证实了KU80蛋白能与双链的T-DNA分子结合,因而证明T-DNA分子是以双链形式整合进植物基因组。<br>3) 首次从豇豆中克隆了一个对其寄生植物独脚金的第3生理小种有专一抗性的抗性基因,序列分析发现该基因是一个NB-LRR类抗性基因。这一发现表明“基因对基因”的概念也适用于植物对寄生植物的抗性,并为进一步研究这一新型的植物与植物的互作关系打开了方便之门。<br>5 项代表性论文、专著、成果<br>1. Li, J.X. and Timko, M.P. (2009) Gene-for-Gene resistance in Striga-Cowpea associations. Science 325:1094 <br>2. Li, J.X. Vaidya, M., Vainstein, A., White, C., Citovsky, V., and Tzfira, T. (2005) Involvement of KU80 in T-DNA integration in plant cells. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA .102:19231-19236 <br>3. Li, J.X., Krichevsky, A., Vaidya, M., Tzfira, T., and Citovsky, V. (2005) Uncoupling of the functions of the Arabidopsis VIP1 protein in transient and stable genetic transformation by Agrobacterium. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 102: 5733-5738 <br>4. Li, J.X., Shan, L.P., Zhou, J.M, and Tang, X.Y. (2002) Overexpression of Pto Induces a Salicylate-Independent Cell Death but Inhibits Necrotic Lesions Caused by Salicylate-Deficiency in tomato Plants. Mol. Plant-Microbe Interact. 654-661 <br>5. Li, J.X., Yu, S.B., Xu, C.G., Tan, Y.F., Gao, Y.J., Li, X.H., Zhang, Q.F., and Saghai Maroof, M.A. (2000) Analyzing quantitative trait loci for yield using a vegetatively replicated F2 population from a cross between the parents of an elite rice hybrid. Theor. Appl. Genet. 101:248-254
University of Virginia, United States
Department of Biology, Research scientist, 2005-11至2008-12
State University of New York at Stony Brook, United States
Department of Biochemistry and Cell Biology, Research associate, 2002-11至2005-10
Kansas State University, United States
Department of Plant Pathology, Visiting scientist, 2000-02至2002-10
分子生物学, Doctor, 1995-09至1998-07