My group focused on spintronics microwave oscillator and information storage devices. I have published 80 papers including 3 Nature Communications (IF: 11.47), 1 NPG Asia Materials (IF: 10.118) and 1 Nano Letters (IF: 13.592) as first or corresponding author. One paper [Nature communications, 5, 4652 (2014)] has been cited 61 times within two years. Another work [Scientific Reports 5, 9400 (2015)] ranked as one of the top 100 cited articles in 2015 by Scientific Reports [Nature publishing group]. I received the awards of “China outstanding PhD student abroad”, “Thousand Talents award (Youth)” and “Top 100 citation Badge by Scientific Reports”.
Royal institute of technology, Sweden (KTH)
microelectronics, Ph.D, 2016-02至2019-06