病理学博士(Duke University,美国,1998),四川大学华西医院病理学教授,病理科主任。从事病理诊断、肿瘤和分子病理学研究,特别是基因表达、信号调控紊乱与肿瘤发生,侧重泌尿生殖系和神经系统肿瘤。论文被引次数逾4200次,单篇论文最高引用次数逾400次。获2001年度国家杰出青年科学基金。任教育部人类疾病生物治疗重点实验室学术委员会副主任、四川省重点实验室-病理研究室主任、《中华病理学杂志》、《四川大学学报(医学版)》《临床与实验病理学杂志》《诊断病理学杂志》编委、《中华医学杂志》(英文版)特邀审稿人、规划教材《病理学》、《分子病理学》等的主编或编委。<近期主要论文> (1) Synergistic silencing by promoter methylation and reduced AP-2a transctivation of the proapoptotic HRK gene confers apoptosis resistance and enhanced tumor growth. Am J Pathol, 2013. (2)MicroRNA145 targets BNIP3 and suppresses prostate cancer progression. Cancer Res, 2010, 70:2728-38. (3) Bcl-xL is a traget gene regulated by hypoxia-inducible factor 1a. J Biol Chem, 2009;284:10004-12. (4) Expression and prognostic significance of survivin splice variants in diffusely infiltrating astrocytoma. J Clin Pathol, 2011, in press. (5) Caspases and inhibitor of apoptosis proteins in cutaneous and mucosal melanoma: Expression profile and clinicopathologic significance. Hum Pathol, 2009;40:950-6. (6) Cytokeratin expressionin in malignant melanoma: potential application of in-situ hybridization analysis of mRNA. Melanoma Res, 2009, 19:87-93. (7) Recombinant adenovirus mediated prostate-specific enzyme pro-drug gene therapy regulated by prostate-specific membrane antigen (PSMA) enhancer/promoter. J Androl,2007;28:827-35. (8) Apoptosis and proliferation markers in diffusely infiltrating astrocytomas: profiling of 17 molecules. J Neuropathol Exp Neurol, 2006;65:905-13. (9) Survivin nuclear labeling index: a superior biomarker in superficial urothelial carcinoma of human urinary bladder. Mod Pathol, 2006;19:1487-97.(10) Constructing tissue microarrays without prefabricating recipient blocks: a novel approach. Am J Clin Pathol,2005;124:103-07. <近期主要著作>(1) Chen J, Zhou, Q.. eds in chief (2015) Pathology(3rd ed). People’s Health Publishing House. (2)Zhou Q., Salvesen, G.S. (2000) Methods Enzymol. 322:143-154.
华西医院, 教授, 2001-06至现在
华西医院,华西临床医学院, 副教授, 1998-06至2001-05
Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA, USA
The Children’s Hospital, Research Associate, 1998-12至2000-08
The Burnham Institute, La Jolla, CA, USA
Salvesen Lab, Research Fellow, 1996-01至1998-12
Duke University Medical Center, Durham, NC, USA
Pathology Department, Research Fellow, 1994-09至1998-12
附一院病理科,医学院病理学教研室, 主治医师,讲师, 1990-01至1998-05
附一院病理科,医学院病理学教研室, 住院医师,助教, 1987-07至1990-01
Duke University (Durham, NC, USA)
Pathology, Doctor, 1994-09至1998-12
West China Medical School 华西医科大学
Pathology, Master, 1984-09至1987-06
West China Medical School 华西医科大学
医学, Bachelor, 1979-09至1984-06