主要研究方向为社会认知神经科学。主要关注情绪在社会认知中的调控作用及其神经机制。如负罪感、厌恶以及同情等情绪在人类道德观及利他行为的形成中所起到的调节作用。以及各种积极与消极情绪(赞赏、喜悦、憎恨、嫉妒等等)在人类小群体交互行为,如竞争与合作、惩罚与奖赏、决策与博弈等所发挥的影响。此外,我们还从跨文化认知神经科学的角度出发,以语言相对论(The Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis)为基础考察语言与文字差异对中国人与外国人在认知与社会行为上的不同影响,比如中文偏旁作为类别提示(物体名词)和身体部位提示(动词)对中国 人概念分类和模仿行为的影响;中英文亲属关系名词对中英文被试亲属关系表征的不同影响等等。
My research interests focus on affective, social and cultural neuroscience. Specifically, I am very interested in 1) the role of emotion in morality and altruism. 2) the neural mechanism of human interpersonal behaviors, such as cooperation, competition and negotiation. 3) the neural correlates of the Linguistic Relativity Hypothesis, especially how English and Chinese languages and scripts influence English and Chinese-speaking adults' and children's cognitive functions and social behaviors in the brain.
Beijing Normal University
University of Michigan
Psychology, Ph.D, 2005-07至2010-08