田方宝,澳大利亚新南威尔士大学副教授 (2021-),Deputy Head of School-Research (July 2023-June 2026), ARC DECRA Fellow (2016-2019)。中国科学技术大学近代力学系学士(2006)和博士(2011,导师陆夕云院士)。博士毕业后在美国范德比尔特大学从事博士后研究(2011-2013),在澳大利亚新南威尔士大学从事研究助理工作(2013-2014),于2014年竞评为澳大利亚新南威尔士大学讲师/助理教授并于2017年7月晋升为高级讲师、2022年1月晋升为副教授。主要从事复杂流动的数值方法、流固耦合、生物流动、非牛顿流动等方面的研究工作。
(1) Fluid-structure interaction involving structure damage (numerical methods & their applications);
(2) Fluid-structure-acoustics interaction with applications in bio-inspired flapping wings & phonation;
(3) Fluid-structure interaction of surgically changed arteries;
(4) Turbulent boundary layer with flexible structures;
(5) IB-LES/RANS-LBM for fluid-structure interactions in heat transfer and bushfire with AI;
(6) Flow instabilities, control and optimisation over flapping foils;
(7) Fluid-structure interaction and stability analysis of supersonic and hypersonic flows;
(8) IB-LBM modelling of mechano-chemical fluid-structure interaction;
(9) IB-LBM modelling of thermal fluid-structure interaction;
(10) AI assisted fluid dynamics and smart fluid-structure interaction;
(11) Fluid dynamics of Sports (e.g. cycling, swimming, archery, sailing and rowing);
(12) Fluid-structure interaction and multicomponent mass transfer;
(13) Fluid-structure interaction and acoustics in rarefied gas flows;
(14) Quantum computing in computational fluid dynamics.
高级讲师,ARC DECRA Felllow, 2017-07至2021-12
讲师/助理教授, 2014-09至2017-06
研究助理, 2013-08至2014-08
Vanderbilt University
博士后, 2011-09至2013-08