Dr. Xiaodong HAO is Associated Professor at Materials Institute of Atomic and Molecular Science (MIAMS), Shaanxi University of Science & Technology (SUST) since 2018. He graduated from School of Materials Science and Engineering, Chongqing University in 2014, where he got his BS and MS degree. He then sponsored by CSC scholarship to Japan for his Ph.D course and received Dr. Eng. under the supervision of Prof. Yuichi Ikuhara and Prof. Tadafumi Adschiri, from Department of Engineering at Tohoku University in 2018. His current research interest is the atomic structure and physicochemical properties of functional nanomaterials, advanced transmission electron microscopy (STEM, HREM, EDS, EELS) and so on.
材料原子分子科学研究所, 2018-11至现在
日本東北大学(Tohoku University)
材料科学, 博士, 2014-10至2018-09
材料科学与工程学院, 硕士, 2011-09至2014-07