吴爱平,男,瑶族,1981年出生于湖南永州。湖南农业大学环境与生态学院生态系副教授,硕士生导师,从2012年开始带硕士研究生,目前7位研究生在读。从2008年9月起开始在湖南农业大学主要从事入侵生态学和湿地生态学的教学和科研工作。2011-2014年于中国农业科学院植物保护研究所攻读博士后。2016-2017年于瑞典隆德大学(Lund University)访学一年。主持和参与国家级及省部级项目10余个,发表论文 60余篇,其中30余篇被 SCI源刊收录;第一作者(含通迅作者)论文20多篇,以第一发明人授权国家发明专利1项,参编教材2本。目前主要从事富营养化湖泊高等水生植物生理生态方面的研究以及入侵植物入侵机制以及入侵植物生物防控措施的研究。
2008.09- 2019.7 湖南农业大学生物科学技术学院生态系
2019.07- 2022.12 湖南农业大学资源环境学院生态系
2023.01- 湖南农业大学资环境与生态学院生态系
2016.12-2017.12 瑞典伦德大学(Lund University) 访问学者
2011.03-2014.03 中国农业科学院植物保护研究所 博士后
2005.09-2008.07 中国科学院植物研究所生态研究中心 博士
2002.09-2005.07 中国科学院水生生物研究所 硕士
1998.09-2002.07 吉首大学资环学院 学士
3、2019年-2021年,主持中国科学院亚热带农业生态过程重点实验室2019年度开放基金课题“电和鱼药对水生植物生长的影响”。 (课题号:CAS2019202)
6、 2008-2010年参加国家重大专项课题“湖滨带生物多样性恢复与缓冲区建设技术及工程示范”(编号2008ZX07105-004)其经费来自于环保部,本人作为负责人承担子课题“洱海典型水生植物对水位、水质季节性变化的响应”的研究工作。
7 、2009-2010年参加课题“典型南方城市境灌湖泊水质改善与水生植被构建技术”专题“西湖湖西区域水生植物恢复技术及工程示范”(课题号:2008ZX07106-2),本人作为负责人承担子课题 “水生植物优选、种植技术研究”。
8、 2010主持东莞万科房地产建研中心水环境2010年水调查(华南)项目研究工作(横向课题)。
吴爱平, 钟文, 张欣洁, 段晓迪, 刘悦. 2019. 一种降解二香豆酸葡萄糖苷的细菌及其选育方法和应用. 国家发明专利(授权).
一、 期刊论文
1) Wen JH, Li BY, Xiao HY, Gong CY, Gao AG, Li DL, Zeng HY*, Li YZ, Yuan GX, Fu H, Wu AP*, 2023. Floating Mat Formation Makes Zizania latifolia More Competitive under the Conditions of Continuous Significant Water Level Rise. Plants, 12: 1193.
2) Wang YH, Zhang NL, Wu AP, Lv ZQ, Wei J, Li Y*, 2023. Effect of benomyl-mediated mycorrhizal association on the salinity tolerance of male and monoecious mulberry clones. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 195: 67-76.
3) Wu AP, Bai ZX, Li J, Liu H, Chen FL, Zhang MY, Wang YH*, Balah MA, Wen JH*, 2023. Invasive Ageratina adenophora can maintain its ecological advantages over time through releasing its autotoxicity by accumulating a bacterium Bacillus cereus. Heliyon, 9: e12757.
4) Hu S-Y, Gao H, Li J, Wang Y-H, Gao A-G,Wen J-H*, Balah MA, Wu AP*, 2023. The latitudinal and longitudinal allelopathic patterns of an invasive alligator weed (Alternanthera philoxeroides) in China. PLoS ONE 18(1): e0280866.
5) Wang L, Liang YS*, Wu ZB, Liu YS, Xiao YH, Hu T, Gao R, Fang J, Liu J, Wu AP. 2022. Exploring the interaction between Cry1Ac protein and Zn2 , Cd2 metalions by fluorescence quenching and molecular docking approaches. Chemosphere, 297: 134105.
6) Wang YH*, Li TT, Wu AP, Li Y, Zhang NL*, 2022. Mycorrhizal Benefits of Salt-Stressed Cinnamomum camphora (L.) Presl. May Be Related to P and Mn2 Contents in Shoots, Biomass Allocation, and K /Na in Roots and Shoots. Forests, 13: 1882.
7) Yuan JR, Li F, Zou DS, Ye SY, Xie YH*, Wu AP*, 2022. Carbon, nitrogen and phosphorus stoichiometry of two submerged macrophytes are more affected by plant species and organs than by light. Marine and Freshwater Research, 73: 1323-1330
8) Yuan JR, Bai ZX, Ye SY, Liu H, Wang YH, Li F, Xie YH, Gao AG*, Wu AP*, 2022. High-light inhibition of two submerged macrophytes in a shallow water experiment. AoB PLANTS, 14: 1-9.
9) He XB, Shao CL, Wu AP, Xia LN, Li TT, Pei J, Zhang NL*,Wang YH*, 2022. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi enhance nutrient acquisition and reduce aluminum toxicity in Lespedeza formosa under acid rain. Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 29: 29904-29916.
10) Wang YH, Shao CL, Qiu YJ, Yu SQ, Xia LN, He XB, Wu AP*, Zhang NL*, 2022. Arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi protect a subtropical tree species exposed to simulated acid rain by accelerating photosynthetic ability, antioxidant enzymes and osmolyte accumulation. Journal of Plant Ecology, 15: 1036-1048.
11) Fu H*, Chen LD, Ge YL, Wu AP, Liu HY, Li W, Yuan GX, Jeppesen E., 2022. Linking human activities and global climatic oscillation to phytoplankton dynamics in a subtropical lake. Water Research, 208: 117866.
12) Qi LY, Zeng HY, Bai ZX, Wang YH, Liu L, Zhong W, Ye SY, Fu H, Li F, Shao CL*, Wu AP*, 2021. The effects of biodiversity gradient on plant mass and metabolism of individual submerged macrophytes. Ecological Processes, 10: 38.
13) Wu AP#*, Ye SY, Yuan JR, Qi LY, Cai ZW, Ye BB, Yuan J, Chu ZS, Xie YH, Liu L, Zhong W, Wang YH. 2021. The relationship between diversity and productivity from a three-dimensional space view in a natural mesotrophic lake. Ecological indicators, 121: 107069.
14) Wang Y-H, Zhang N-L, Wang M-Q, He X-B, Lv Z-Q, Wei J, Su X, Wu AP*, Li Y*. 2021.Sex-Specific Differencesin the Physiological and Biochemical Performance of Arbuscular Mycorrhizal Fungi-Inoculated Mulberry Clones Under Salinity Stress. Frontiers in Plant Sciences, 12: 614162.
15) Wang YH*, Liu SY, Shao CL, Wu AP, He XB, Xia LN, Wang XD, Qiu YJ, Yu SQ, Pei J, Zhang NL*, 2021. Enhancement of photosynthetic parameters and growth of Zelkova serrata by arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi under simulated sulfuric acid rain. Plant Ecology, 222: 1361-1374.
16) Xia LN, Shao CL, Zhang NL, Wu AP, Xie JBo, Qiu YJ, He XB, Pei Ja, Wang XD,Wang YH*, 2021. Improved tolerance of mycorrhizalTorreya grandis seedlings to sulfuric acid rain related to phosphorus and zinc contents in shoots. Journal of Fungi, 7: 296.
17) Fu H, Zhou Y, Yuan G, Peng H, Wu AP, Li W, Jeppesen E. 2021. Environmental and spatial drivers for wetland plant communities in a freshwater lake: Reduced coupling of species and functional turnover. Ecological Engineering, 159: 106092.
18) Wu AP#*, He Y, Ye SY, QY, Liu L, Zhong W, Wang YH, Fu H. 2020. Negative effects of a piscicide, rotenone, on the growth and metabolism of three submerged macophytes. Chemosphere, 250: 126246.
19) Wu AP#*, Ye SY, Wang YH, Cao T, Liu L, Zhong W, Qi LY, Deng QY, Hu CT. 2020. Electrofishing as a potential threat to the growth and metabolism of three submerged macrophytes. Marine and Freshwater Research, 72(3): 376-382.
20) Qiu Y-J, Zhang N-L, Zhang L-L, Zhang X-L, Wu AP, Huang J-Y, Yu S-Q, Wang Y-H. 2020. Mediation of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and biochemical parameters of Ligustrum vicaryi in response to salinity. Physiological and Molecular Plant Pathology, 112: 101522.
21) Fu H, Yuan G, Ge D, Li W, Zou D, Huang Z, Wu AP, Liu QL, Jeppesen E. 2020. Cascading effects of elevation, soil moisture and soil nutrients on plant traits and ecosystem multi-functioning in Poyang Lake wetland, China. Aquatic Sciences, 82(2): 34.
22) Wu AP#*, Zhong W, Yuan JR, Qi LY, Chen FL, Liang YS, He FF, Wang YH. 2019. The factors affecting a native obligate parasite, Cuscuta australis, in selecting an exotic weed, Humulus scandens, as its host. Scientific reports, 9: 511.
23) Wu AP#*, Liu L, Zhong W, Chen FL, He FF, Wang YH, Liang YS. 2019. Rapid nitrogen and phosphorus homeostasis transformation in invasive Eupatorium adenophorum during its invasion stages.Weed research, 59: 387-395.
24) Fu H, Yuan G, Jeppesen E, Ge D, Li W, Zou D, Huang Z, Wu AP, Liu, Q. 2019. Local and regional drivers of turnover and nestedness components of species and functional beta diversity in lake macrophyte communities in China. Science of The Total Environment, 687: 206–217.
25) Fu H, Yuan G, Jeppesen E, Ge D, Zou D, Lou Q, Dai T, Li Wei , Zhong J, Huang Z, Liu Q, Wu AP. 2019. Multiple stabilizing pathways in wetland plant communities subjected to an elevation gradient. Ecological Indicators, 104: 704-710.
26) Wu AP#*, Zhao YX, Qi LY, Zhu GR, Chen FL, Liang YS, Cao T, Zhong W. 2019. Faster response to water level increase facilitates Salix cavaleriei survival in Lake Erhai. Journal of freshwater ecology, 34: 469-480.
27) Wu AP#*, Liu J, He FF, Wang YH, Zhang XJ, Duan XD, Liu Y and Qian ZY. 2018. Negative relationship between diversity and productivity under plant invasion. Ecological research, 33: 949–957.
28) Wang Y, Wang M, Li Y, Wu AP, Huang J. 2018. Effects of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi on growth and nitrogen uptake of Chrysanthemum morifolium under salt stress. PLoS ONE 13(4): e0196408.
29) Ye BB, Chu ZS*, Wu AP*, Hou ZY, Wang SR. 2018. Optimum water depth ranges of dominant submersed macrophytes in a natural freshwater lake. PLOS ONE, 13(3): e0193176.
30) Fu H, Lou Q, Dai T, Yuan G, Huang Z, Ge D, Zou D, Li W, Liu Q, Wu AP, Guo C, Zhong J, Fang S, Hu J. 2018. Hydrological gradients and functional diversity of plants drive ecosystem processes in Poyang Lake wetland. Ecohydrology, 11(4): e1950.
31) Wu AP, Zhao YX, He FF, Wang YH, Zhong W. 2017. Pueraria lobata is expanding and endangering in China ecosystems. Russian Journal of Ecology, 48: 226-232.
32) Wu AP, Li ZL, He FF, Wang YH, Dong M. 2015. Screening allelochemical-resistant species of the alien invasive Mikania micrantha for restoration in South China. PLoS ONE 10(7): e0132967.
33) Nie XJ, Liu PX, Deng PC, Lu YZ, Biradar SS, Du XH, Wu AP, Weining S. 2013. Large-scale identification of microsatellites for a major invasive weed, Ageratina adenophora, using the Illumina sequencing technology. Weed Research, 54(2): 133-139.
34) Wu AP, Huang ZY, Miao SL, Dong M. 2010. Effects of Mikania micrantha extracts and their exposure time on seed vigour, seed germination and seedling growth of plants. Allelopathy journal, 25(2): 503-512.
35) Wu AP, Yu H, Gao SQ, Huang ZY, He WM, Miao SL, Dong M. 2009. Differential belowground allelopathic effects of leaf and root in Mikania micrantha. Trees-Structure and Function, 23: 11-17.
36) Wu AP, Cao T, Wu SK, Ni LY, Xie P. 2009. Trends of superoxide dismutase and soluble protein of aquatic plants to eutrophication in the middle and lower reaches of Yangtze River, China. Journal of Integrative Plant Biology, 51: 414-422.
37) Cao T, Xie P, Ni LY, Wu AP, Zhang M, Xu J. 2008. Relationships among the contents of total phenolics, soluble carbohydrate, and free amino acids of 15 aquatic macrophytes. Journal of Freshwater Ecology, 23(2): 291-296.
38) Wang S, Xie P, Wu S, Wu AP. 2007. Crustacean zooplankton distribution patterns and their biomass as related to trophic indicators of 29 shallow subtropical lakes. Limnologica, 37(3): 242-249.
39) Cao T, Xie P, Ni LY, Wu AP, Zhang M, Wu SK, Smolders AJP. 2007. The role of NH4 toxicity in the decline of the submersed macrophyte Vallisneria natans in lakes of the Yangtze River basin, China. Marine and Freshwater Research, 58(6): 581-587.
40) Xing YP, Xie P, Yang H, Wu AP, Ni LY. 2006. The change of gaseous carbon fluxes following the switch of dominant producers from macrophytes to algae in a shallow subtropical lake of China. Atmospheric Environment, 40(40): 8034-8043.
1) 吴爱平, 吴世凯, 倪乐意*. 2005. 长江中下游浅水湖泊水生植物氮磷含量与水柱营养的关系. 水生生物学报, 29: 406-412.
1) 张英, 吴爱平*(通迅作者). 2015. 薇甘菊对鬼针草种子萌发和幼苗生长的化感影响. 湖南农业大学学报, 41: 356-359.
3) 赵雅璇, 齐亮宇, 候泽英, 钟文, 刘 力, 吴爱平*(通迅作者). 2020. 洱海漂浮草垫的物种组成及分布. 44:222-230.
4) 胡可, 邹冬生, 吴爱平, 徐华勤. 2009. 不同植被恢复模式对紫色土植被多样性及微生物区系的影响. 广西农业科学, 40: 1570-1573.
5) 袁桂香, 吴爱平, 葛大兵, 储昭升. 2011. 不同水深梯度对4种挺水植物生长繁殖的影响. 环境科学学报, 31: 2690-2697.
6) 何飞飞, 曾建兵, 吴爱平, 李巧云, 杨君. 2012. 改良剂修复利用镉污染菜地土壤的田间效应研究. 中国农学通报, 28: 247-251.
7) 何飞飞, 吴小玲, 吴爱平, 杨君. 2012. 果园土壤重金属污染及降污修复技术研究进展. 作物研究, 26: 309-313.
8) 易厚燕, 吴爱平, 王华. 2013. 满江红在不同氮浓度中对氮、磷的吸收效果. 山地农业生物学报, 32: 138-142.
9) 何飞飞, 荣湘民, 梁运姗, 吴爱平, 刘强. 2013. 生物炭对红壤菜田土理化性质和 N2O、CO2排放的影响. 农业环境科学学报, 32: 1893-1900.
10) 何飞飞, 梁运姗, 吴爱平. 2014. 不同生物炭用量对酸性菜地土硝化作用的影响.环境科学学报, 34: 2376-2383.
11) 贾永见, 储昭升, 叶碧碧, 尹延震, 吴爱平, 程 凯. 2014. 洱海湖滨带不同基底高程下菰出苗及生长特征. 环境科学研究, 27: 12-17.
12) 易厚燕, 吴爱平, 庞燕, 储昭升. 2014. 水温和磷浓度对满江红氮磷吸收的影响. 环境工程技术学报, 4: 436-441.
13) 何飞飞, 梁运姗,易珍玉, 荣湘民, 吴爱平, 刘强. 2014. 有机无机肥配施对酸性菜地土壤硝化作用的影响. 植物营养与肥料学报, 20: 534-540.
14) 朱丽娜, 王艳红, 沈莉芹, 吴爱平. 2015. 空心莲子草浸提液对五种蔬菜种子萌发的影响. 安徽农业科学, 43(3): 96-98.
15) 沈莉芹, 王艳红, 吴爱平. 2015. 空心莲子草浸提液对5种蔬菜种子萌发的影响. 种子, 43: 96-98.
16) 胡洋, 王艳红, 温国胜, 沈莉芹, 吴爱平. 2015. 基质不同灭菌条件下空心莲子草浸提液对白三叶种子萌发和幼苗生长的影响. 生态科学, 4: 21-25.
17)梁运姗, 曾洪, 高榕, 王华, 吴爱平. 2020. 高校生态文化教育的现状分析及改革探讨. 文化创新比较研究, 4: 50-52.
18) 陈法霖, 张凯, 向丹, 吴爱平, 李有志, 邹冬生, 郑华. 2019. 桉树凋落物对土壤微生物群落的影响:基于控制实验研究. 土壤学报, 56: 432-442.
19) 梁运姗, 雷龙, 吴爱平, 邹冬生, 方俊. 2019. 生态学背景下的“环境影响评价”课程教学方案研究. 科教导刊, 2: 92-94.
20) 陈法霖, 张凯, 王芸, 吴爱平, 李有志, 邹冬生, 郑华. 2018. 引进种桉树人工林取代天然次生林对土壤微生物群落结构和功能的影响. 生态学报.38: 8070-8079.
1)、吴爱平, 张萌, 张立, 古滨河. 2014. 湿地生态系统. 陈吉泉, 阳树英 (主编). 陆地生态学研究方法. 高等教育出版社, 北京, pp288-306.
2)、吴爱平. 2016. 董鸣 (主编). 生态学透视:种群生态学. 科学出版社, 北京.
生态学, 博士, 2005-09至2008-07