教授,博士生导师。1977年底毕业于南京大学地图计算机制图专业,同年留校任教,1981-1996在中国科学院兰州冰川冻土研究所工作,1993年开始享受国务院政府特贴,1994年由中国科学院特批为研究员,并任中国科学院兰州冰川冻土研究所遥感与GIS研究室主任、甘肃省遥感中心副主任、兰州大学遥感与GIS实验室主任及兼职教授。1997年调南京大学城市与资源学系(今地理与海洋科学学院)工作,任GIS与遥感实验室主任。为中国遥感应用协会常务理事,中国地理学会环境遥感分会理事。曾先后赴日本、英国、美国、埃及、意大利和德国等国家进行合作研究与学术访问,在1987年国际遥感会议上当选为第三世界遥感协会(TWARS)副主席(1987-1994)。<br>长期从事雪冰遥感与遥感数字图像处理的研究,在积雪水资源与雪灾遥感监测等研究领域成果突出。先后承担和完成国家“七五”、“八五”和“九五”科技攻关项目7项,中国科学院重点科研项目2项,高分辨率对地观测系统国家科技重大专项课题1项,国家高技术研究发展计划(863计划)课题1项,省部级以上科研项目20余项。其中“祁连山地区积雪卫星监测与融雪径流预报”、“黄河流域典型地区遥感动态研究”、“重大自然灾害遥感监测”等7项研究成果分别获中国科学院和国家计委科技进步一、二、三等奖。发表学术论文200余篇,出版系列教材4部。培养硕士40余名,博士50余名(其中外籍留学生4名),目前在读研究生20余名。<br>Professor Feng Xuezhi, a supervisor of Ph.D degree students in Nanjing University. He graduated from the Department of Geography of Nanjing University in 1977, majoring computer-aided topographical mapping. He was a lecturer at the same department of Nanjing University from 1978 to 1981, and then as a researcher at Lanzhou Institute of Glaciology and Geocryology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (LIGG/CAS) from 1982 to 1997.During the time he worked in the LIGG/CAS, he had the opportunities to further study and do his research work in the Sheffield University, UK(1985-1986) and in the University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB) from April-August, 1994 respectively. He has been doing research work on remote sensing, geographic information system (GIS) and their applications since graduation. In recent years, he has carried out 13 research projects from the National Key Scientific and Technological Planning, the State National Science Fund Committee (NSFC) and local governments, 6 items of which have won the first-class, second-class and third-class rewards of the advanced science and technology of CAS and State Planning and Development Committee. He has published more 200 scientific articles covering these research fields。
南京大学-地理与海洋科学学院, 教授, 1997-10至现在
地理信息科学系, 教授, 1997至现在
遥感研究室, 研究员, 1981-03至1997-09
University of California, Santa Barbara (UCSB)
副研究员, 1994-04至1994-09
Sheffield University, UK
遥感, 1985-05至1986-03
地图学, 1974-09至1977-12