Biossorˋˋo de cobre, mangan那s e c芍dmio por biomassas de Saprolegnia subterranea (Dissmann) R.L. Seym. e Pythium torulosum Coker %26amp; P. Patt. (Oomycetes)

作者:Souza; Jose Ivanildo de; Schoenlein Crusius; Iracema Helena; Pires Zottarelli; Carmen Lidia Amorin; Schoenlein; Norberto Carlos
来源:Acta Botanica Brasilica, 2008.


dried biomass of the zoosporic fungi saprolegnia subterranea and pythium torulosum was evaluated for copper, manganese and cadmium biosorption from aqueous solutions using the %26quot;q%26quot; (mg of adsorbed metal per g of biomass) and the %26quot;r%%26quot; (percent removal) indices. the highest q values were observed when the biomass was placed in contact with high metal concentrations, whereas the highest r% values were observed at low concentrations (p%26lt;0.05). s. subterranea spc 1244 biomass surpassed the others for copper biosorption (q = 7.48 mg/g; r% = 49.03), p. torulosum spc 1425 biomass was the best for manganese biosorption (q = 4.13 mg/g; r% = 26.71), and s. subterranea spc 1431 biomass was the best for cadmium biosorption (q = 6.75 mg/g; r% = 42.26). this is the first report on copper, manganese and cadmium biosorption by the biomass of these zoosporic fungi, indicating the potential to remove ions from diluted solutions.
