Brillantaisia vogeliana (Acanthac谷es) is a plant used in the West-Cameroon traditional pharmacopeia. This species have been used to facilitate deliverance and delivery and to treat stomach ailment. The aqueous extract of leaves was studied by conventional pharmacological methods.Twelve female rats were randomly assigned in two groups of 6 animals each designated as control and treated groups. After a sighting study, one group of the fasted animals for 12h received a single oral dose of 2000 mg/kg body weight of aqueous solution of Brillantaisia vogeliana while control group received distilled water.Oral consumption of 2 g/kg of Brillantaisia vogeliana produced neither mortality nor significant differences in the body and relative organs weights except relative liver weight between control and treated animals. Moreover, no abnormality and no histopathological changes were detectable between both control and treated animals. Hematological analysis showed no difference in any of the parameters tested (WBC count, platelet, total leukocytes, RBC count, hematocrit and hemoglobin estimation) in either control or treated groups. No significant change occurred in the blood chemistry parameters, including creatinine, urea nitrogen (UN), alkaline phosphatase, aspartate amino transferase (ASAT), alanine aminotransferase (ALAT), calcium and phosphorus. However, 汐-amylase and total protein showed a significant difference between control and treated groups. The results showed the innocuity of the aqueous extract of B. vogeliana and thus validated its utilization in Cameroonian traditional pharmacopoeia. The LD50 was higher than 2g/kg of body weight and according to Globally Harmonized Hazard Classification and Labelling Scheme (GHS), aqueous extract of B. vogeliana was classified in group 5.