
objectives: to review the current state of development of streptococcus b, herpes-zoster, hiv, malaria and dengue vaccines. these vaccines were selected both because of imminent commercial release and because of specific problems with their development. sources of data: a review of the literature was performed by means of a medline search, on the period 1996 to 2006, for the epidemiology and immunology of these diseases, analyzing both the greatest obstacles to creating a vaccine and the current state of research, with emphasis on studies in the most advanced stages. summary of the findings: each of the five diseases chosen presents specific problems for vaccine development. nevertheless, in the majority of cases these have been or are in sight of being resolved, allowing for the prediction that a safe and effective vaccine - or vaccines - will be available in the near future. conclusions: despite the problems faced in developing these vaccines, advances in molecular biology and immunology have made it possible to overcome most obstacles, opening up the prospects for new vaccines.
