
The aim was to understand the anatomical features of the venous valve in Macaca fascicularis and to compare it with that of humans. The bilateral lower limbs (24 limbs from 12 animals) of Macaca fascicularis cadavers were dissected, and the femoral veins (FVs) were equally divided into distal, intermediate, and proximal sections. The external diameter of the FV in each section was measured. The venous valves were observed microscopically and stained with hematoxylin and eosin as well as trichrome. Data describing the human venous valve were collected from the current literature. No great saphenous veins were found among the 24 lower limbs from the Macaca fascicularis cadavers. The external diameters of the FVs in the distal, intermediate, and proximal sections were 3.53 ㊣ 0.37 mm, 3.42 ㊣ 0.55 mm, and 3.37 ㊣ 0.54 mm, respectively. In most cases, there was one venous bivalve located in the FV approximately 0-2.71 mm below the junction of the FV and the deep femoral vein. Endothelium covered the luminal and sinusal surfaces of the leaflets. Abundant collagen fibers were found under the endothelial cells beneath the luminal surface of the leaflets. An elastin fiber network was located under the sinus endothelial surface. Smooth muscle cells in the FV extend to the edge of the valve. The venous valve of Macaca fascicularis is similar to that of humans, both morphologically and histologically. However, there is only one venous bivalve and no great saphenous vein in Macaca fascicularis. El objetivo fue comprender las caracter赤sticas anat車micas de la v芍lvula venosa en Macaca fascicularis y compararla con la de los humanos. Fueron disecados bilateralmente los miembros p谷lvicos (24 miembros de 12 animales) de cad芍veres de Macaca fascicularis; las venas femorales (VF) fueron divididas en secciones distal, media y proximal. Se midi車 el di芍metro externo de las VFs en cada secci車n. Las v芍lvulas venosas se observaron microsc車picamente y se ti eron con H-E y tricr車mico. Los datos para describir la v芍lvula venosa humana se obtuvieron desde la literatura. No se encontraron venas safenas magnas entre los 24 miembros inferiores. Los di芍metros externos de las VFs en las secciones distal, media y proximal fueron 3,53㊣0,37 mm, 3,42 mm㊣0,55, y 3,37㊣0,54 mm, respectivamente. En la mayor赤a de los casos, hubo vena bivalva situada aproximadamente 0-2,71 mm debajo de la uni車n de la VF y la vena femoral profunda. El endotelio cubri車 las superficies luminal y sinusal. Se observaron abundantes fibras de col芍geno en las c谷lulas endoteliales bajo la superficie luminal de las v芍lvulas. U
