Se presenta una investigaci車n basada en los principios filos車ficos de la 谷tica. Se examina la funci車n que desempe a el estudiante egresado de Bibliotecolog赤a y Ciencia de la Informaci車n. Se reflexiona acerca del c車digo de 谷tica determinado por diversas instituciones, que centran su trabajo en la esfera de la actividad de informaci車n cient赤fico investigativa. Se establece una valoraci車n cr赤tica acerca de la conducta 谷tica que desarrolla actualmente el profesional de la informaci車n, as赤 como la influencia de sus actitudes frente a la sociedad del conocimiento emergida por los paradigm芍ticos procesos tecnol車gicos. A research based on the philosophical principles of ethics is presented. The role developed by the graduated from Library and Information Sciences is studied. Reflections on the ethics code determined by different institutions, which focus their work on the sphere of the scientific-research information activity, are included. A critical assessment about the ethical behaviour developed at present by the information professional is established, as well as the influence of his attitudes on the knowledge society emerged through the paradigmatic technological processes.