
The knowledge of the arterial anatomic variations is very important for the clinical, radiological and surgical diagnosis. Regarding inferior phrenic arteries, which irrigate the diaphragm, it is known that they vary in relation to their origin. The purpose of the present study is to verify these variations. The abdominal cavity of eighty-nine adult cadavers of both sexes was dissected, of which 69 fixed in 10% formalin solution and 20 non-fixed. The fixed cadavers were dissected in Laboratories of Anatomy of the Federal University of S o Paulo (UNIFESP-EPM), the Santo Amaro University (UNISA) and Lusiadas de Santos University (UNILUS). The non-fixed cadavers were dissected from the Death Verification Service of the city of S o Paulo (USP) and from the UNIFESP Brazil. After exposure of the celiac axis, we analyzed the possible emission of inferior phrenic arteries from this vessel as well as site of origin. The results showed us the presence of inferior phrenic arteries in 31 (34.83%) among the 89 cadavers. In the remained 58 (65.17%), the celiac trunkhad not these branches. It was observed that in 19 (21.35%) out of the 89 cadavers the inferior phrenic artery originating at the left contour of the celiac axis, in five (5.62%) cadavers, the phrenic artery presented its origin at the right contour and seven (7.86%) presented two phrenic arteries of which five were independently originated from each side of the celiac trunk and two (2.25%) from one axis El conocimiento de las variaciones anat車micas arteriales es de gran importancia para los diagn車sticos cl赤nico, radiol車gico y quir迆rgico. Con relaci車n a las arterias fr谷nicas inferiores que irrigan el diafragma, se tiene conocimiento que 谷stas presentan variaciones referentes a su origen. Disecamos la cavidad abdominal de 89 cad芍veres adultos de ambos sexos, de los cuales 69 fueron fijados en soluci車n de formalina a 10%, y 20 no fijados. Los cad芍veres fijados fueron disecados en los laboratorios de Anatom赤a de la Universidad Federal de S o Paulo-UNIFESP, en la Universidad de Santo Amaro-UNISA, y en la Universidad Lus赤adas de Santos, UNILUS. Los cad芍veres no fijados fueron disecados en los Servicios de Verificaci車n de 車bitos de la capital (USP y UNIFESP), Brasil. Se verific車 la emisi車n de arterias fr谷nicas inferiores a partir del tronco cel赤aco y el lugar de origen de 谷stas. Los resultados obtenidos indicaron la presencia de arterias fr谷nicas inferiores en 31 (34.83%) de los 89 cad芍veres. En los otros 58 (65.17%) el tronco cel赤aco no emiti車 tal ramo. Tambi谷n se verific車 en 19 (21.35%) de los 89 cad芍veres, la
