The present paper deals with the problem of meaning in the field of Music from the perspective of the Theory of Language. In the author*s view, there has been an excessive use of the term ※meaning§ within the area of Musical Semantics, which may lead not only to a terminological lack of precision but also to a confusion of concepts which are more precise in Linguistics than in Musical Theory. Starting from the analysis of the different trends on the presence of meaning in music, as well as its similarities with the linguistic meaning, the author states that both music and language are abilities for the human being to express himself. Nonetheless, language, through its representative meaning, is able to code the experience a person may have of the world. Even though the semantic representation has nothing to do with the musical expression, the latter shares with language a modal meaning connected with the experience the subject has of himself. En este trabajo se aborda el problema del significado de la M迆sica desde la perspectiva de la Teor赤a del lenguaje. En los estudios de sem芍ntica musical se hace un uso abusivo del t谷rmino significado, lo cual lleva no solamente a imprecisiones terminol車gicas, sino tambi谷n a confundir conceptos m芍s matizados en la Ling邦istica que en la Teor赤a musical. Partiendo del examen de distintas posiciones sobre la presencia del significado en la m迆sica y sus homolog赤as con el significado ling邦istico, se llega a la propuesta de que m迆sica y lenguaje forman parte de la capacidad expresiva del hombre, pero se diferencian en que el lenguaje, por medio del significado representativo, codifica la experiencia que el sujeto tiene del mundo. Y aunque la representaci車n sem芍ntica es un procedimiento ajeno a la expresi車n musical, esta comparte con el lenguaje un contenido modal relacionado con la experiencia que el sujeto tiene de s赤 mismo.