the authors report an aggressive angiomyxoma on the spermatic cord in a male patient. this entity occurs predominantly in adult women, in the perineal, genital and pelvic areas. the gross aspect is usually a lobulated mass, with infiltrative borders. at light microscopy there%26apos;s a uniform myxoid background with small, spindle and stellate cells, with no evidence of mitoses. characteristically there are numerous blood vessels, of variable sizes, some of them with thickening of the media. the immunohistochemical profile shows focal immunoreactivity for desmin and smooth muscle actin (1a4), and no reaction for cd34 and cd68. other myxoid benign and malignant tumors can be confused with aggressive angiomyxoma. the differential diagnosis is important because the latter is infiltrative, with a high recurrence rate, although there is no metastasis reported until this moment.