Adesivo cir迆rgico de etil-2-cianoacrilato em lobectomia parcial em ratos

作者:Szkudlarek; Ariani Cavazzani; Sincero; Paula; Sousa; Renato Silva de; Fogaa; Rosalvo Tadeu Hochmuller
来源:Jornal Brasileiro de Pneumologia, 2011.


objective: to determine the efficacy of ethyl 2-cyanoacrylate adhesive in repairing the lung parenchyma after partial lobectomy in rats, in terms of hemostasis/aerostasis, scarring, and surgical time. methods:the study involved 30 wistar rats, randomly divided into five groups (one control group and four study groups). in the study groups, the lung parenchyma was repaired with either cyanoacrylate adhesive or surgical suture following resection of a small or large fragment (25% or 50%, respectively) of the left caudal lung lobe. results: surgical time and hemostasis time were shorter in the two groups treated with the adhesive than in the two submitted to suture. there were no significant differences among the groups regarding specific lung compliance. adherences and inflammatory reactions were more severe in the groups submitted to suture. conclusions: in this study, the use of cyanoacrylate adhesive helped reduce the surgical time and the intensity of inflammatory reactions, as well as preserving lung compliance. cyanoacrylate adhesives should be considered an option for lung parenchyma repair, decreasing the risk of complications after partial lobectomy in humans.
