O presente trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a fungitoxicidade dos extratos brutos aquosos (EBA) de gengibre (Zingiber officinalis) e eucalipto (Corymbia citriodora) sobre o fungo Helminthosporium sp. Este pat車geno foi identificado nas fibras do pseudocaule da bananeira, as quais s o utilizadas na fabrica o de artesanato local. Foram avaliados o crescimento micelial e esporula o do fungo in vitro, al谷m do crescimento da col nia f迆ngica nas fibras tratadas com os extratos das plantas. As fibras receberam os seguintes tratamentos:preventivo (P), curativo (C) e T0, sendo que neste 迆ltimo, a inocula o e o tratamento com os EBAs foram realizados simultaneamente. Os resultados in vitro mostraram que, dos extratostestados, eucalipto foi mais eficiente na redu o do crescimento micelial e produ o de esporos do fungo. Com rela o ao tratamento in vivo, verificou se que apenas as fibras tratadas preventivamente com o EBA de eucalipto n o foram afetadas por Helminthosporium sp. The present work aimed to evaluate the fungitoxicity of ginger (Zingiber officinalis) and eucalypt*s (Corymbia citriodora) aqueouscrude extracts (ACE) concerning the Helminthosporium sp fungus. This pathogen was identified in the fibers of banana pseudostem, used in local handicraft production. The fungus mycelial growth and sporulation were evaluated in vitro, as well as the growth of funguscolony on banana fibers treated with these plant extracts. The fibers received the following treatments: preventative, curative and T0 (the inoculation process and the treatments with the ACEs were used at the same time). The in vitro results showed that the eucalypt crude extract was the most efficient in mycelial growth and in reduction of spores production. As for the in vivo treatment, it was observed that fibers, preventatively treated with eucalypt ACE, were not affected by Helminthosporium sp.