Producci車n cient赤fica de la Universidad de La Habana en el Web of Science, 2000 - 2006

作者:Lozano Diaz; Ibis Anette; del Toro Gundin; Barbara Janet; Arencibia JorgeI; Ricardo; Martinez Rodriguez; Ailin
来源:ACIMED, 2008.


the study analyzed the behaviour of the scientific production of the university of havana (uh) published in mainstream journals in the databases of thomson scientific, former institute for scientific information (isi), from 2000 to 2006. the productivity of the researchers of the university of havana was determined on the basis of its institutional structure. it was found that the faculties of physics, chemistry and biology; the institute of materials and reagents; the center of biomaterials; and the center of research and biological evaluations show the highest index of productivity.
