still, very little is known about the precise pathogenetic mechanisms, the triggering events and in particular, the evolution and treatment of non-alcoholic steatohepatitis (nash). it is part of the broad spectrum of nonalcoholic fatty liver diseases ( naflds). mainly, it has been reported as a benign disease, asociated with metabolic disorders commonly occurrence en the general population. nevertheless, the syndrome can lead to cirrhosis, liver failure or hepatocellular carcinoma, requiring liver transplantation. we present one pacient with diagnosis of nash, who was treated initially for overweight, hta and hyperlipaemia with incompleted response and who showed a quickly progress to cirrosis but no cause of liver descompensated disease could be identified. currently she is at end-stage waitting a liver transplantation. controlled and multicentric studies with the same definition of nash and the study end-points are needed, and will provide information about diagnosis features and novel therapies to early management of the disease.