the aim of this work was to quantify the total cyanide concentration during the production stages of cassava flour from dry and water groups. in relation to dry flour, the total cyanide concentration in the cassava root reduced from 160㊣11.8 mg hcn/kg to 149㊣12.3 mg hcn/kg after grinding, 68㊣2.5mg hcn/kg after pressing and 5㊣0.2 mg hcn/kg was obtained in the final product after the roasting process. for the water flour production, the cassava root showed 321㊣21.6 mg hcn/kg total cyanide content, and during the fermentation process, the total cyanide content for the first 24-hour fermentation was from 297㊣2.7 mg hcn/kg reaching 64㊣2.3 mg hcn/kg after resting in a pool for 96 hours. after grinding and pressing the fermented roots, the values lowered to 50㊣0.6 and 36㊣0.4 mg hcn/kg, respectively. a concentration of 9㊣0.1 mg hcn/kg was obtained in the final product, evidencing the detoxification process efficiency in both processings.