
leguminosae is the most diverse family in the savannas of roraima, which are the largest savanna areas in the brazilian amazon. this paper presents a floristic survey and an analysis of the geographic distribution patterns of leguminosae taxa in a savanna area at boa vista, roraima (02o52∩07∩∩n; 60o43∩03∩∩w). the survey identified 80 taxa belonging to 38 genera. six taxa are new records for the flora of roraima. the best-represented genera were aeschynomene and chamaecrista, both with seven species each. leguminosae-papilionoideae was the most diverse subfamily based on the number of genera (24) and infrageneric taxa (53). the phytogeographical analysis revealed predominance of taxa with a neotropical distribution. the savanna site analyzed represents a legume diverse area, because it concentrates 87% of legume diversity referred for the savannas of roraima.
