A batata-doce (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) 谷 uma hortali a tuberosa de ampla adapta o, cultivada em todo o territ車rio brasileiro, sendo muito importante para a alimenta o humana ou animal. O Brasil possui rendimento m谷dio de 11.035 kg ha-1, cultivando 43.900 ha. Apesar dessa importancia, pouco se sabe sobre quais fatores est o envolvidos no rendimento de ra赤zes comerciais. Neste trabalho, objetivou-se, por meio da realiza o de uma an芍lise de trilha, obter informa es sobre quais vari芍veis est o envolvidas no rendimento de ra赤zes comerciais. Avaliaram-se as seguintes vari芍veis: comprimento da raiz (CR), diametro m谷dio da raiz (DMR), n迆mero de ra赤zes comerciais (NRC), peso da parte a谷rea (PPA), rendimento de ra赤zes n o-comerciais (RRNC), resist那ncia 角 broca do coleto (RBC) e resist那ncia 角 ferrugem branca (RFB) sobre o rendimento de ra赤zes comerciais (RRC). Os resultados indicam que DMR 谷 o principal respons芍vel pela varia o de RRC. As vari芍veis PPA, RRNC, RBC e RFB n o apresentam efeitos significativos sobre RRC. The sweet potato (Ipomoea batatas (L.) Lam) is a tuberous vegetable oflarge adaptation, cultivated in all Brazilian regions that is used for human being or animal feeding. In Brazil, it is cultivated 43,900 ha with an average yield of 11.035 kg ha-1. Despite the importance of this crop to Brazilian agriculture very little is known about the factors involved in the production of commercial roots. The objective of this work was to identify which variables are related to the yield of commercial roots, using path analysis. The following variables were evaluated: yield of commercial roots (YCR), length of the root(LR), diameter of the root (DR), number of commercial roots (NRC), weight of the aerial part (WAP), yield of non commercial roots (YNCR), resistance to the root borer (RRB), and resistance to the white rust (RWR). The results showed that DR is main variableresponsible for the YCR variation. The variables LR, NRC, WAP, YNCR, RRB, and RWR did not present significant effects on the YCR.