The present study analyzed the radiographic anatomy and determined thegastrointestinal transit time of Podocnemis unifilis. We used ten animals belonging to LAPAS from the Federal University of Uberlandia, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais State, Brazil. The animals were orally fed with a barium sulphate suspension at 10 mL kg-1 mixed with mineral oil, at a ratio of 70% of barium sulphate for 30% of mineral oil. Afterwards, the animals underwent radiography in a dorsum ventriloquoal position, with the X-ray device adjusted at 72 Kv and 200 mA, in time intervals to follow the permanency of contrast in the organism. Five minutes after the contrast was supplied, the stomach was filled. After sixteen hours the contrast advanced to the smallintestine. In 48 hours, the whole small intestine and part of the colon were fulfilled. On the 9th day the stomach was empty and the contrast advanced to the colon. On the 11th day, the colon was totally fulfilled, and the contrast was close to cloaca. On the 18th day all contrast was eliminated by the animal. Total time for contrast elimination was, in average, 17.6 ㊣ 2.4 days, with the minimum of 12 and maximum of 22 days, with temperature at 27oC. The digestion of the food was slower in the duodenum, and faster in the colon-rectum, which presents lower indices of repletion. Avaliou-se aspectos an芍tomo-radiogr芍ficos bem como o tempo de transito gastrintestinal em Podocnemis unifilis. Foram utilizados 10 animais pertencentes ao Laborat車rio de Pesquisas em Animais Silvestres(LAPAS) da Universidade Federal de Uberlandia, Uberlandia, Minas Gerais, Brasil. Aos animais foi administrada, por via oral, uma suspens o de sulfato de b芍rio 10 mL kg-1 misturada com 車leo mineral na propor o de 70% de sulfato de b芍rio para 30% de 車leo. Posteriormente, os animais foram radiografados dorso-ventralmente, com o aparelho de raios-X regulado para 72 Kv e 200 mA, em intervalos de tempo pr谷-estabelecidos. Em m谷dia, cinco minutos ap車s a administra o do contraste, a por o proximal do est mago estava preenchida. Ap車s 16 horas, o contraste progrediu para o intestino delgado. Com 48 horas, todo o intestino delgado e parte do intestinogrosso estavam preenchidos. No 9 dia o est mago apresentava-se vazio e o contraste progrediu para o c車lon. No 11 dia, o contraste encontrava-se na regi o do reto e o duodeno encontrava-se vazio. No 14 dia, o intestino delgado j芍 estava totalmente sem preenchimento. No 18 dia, todo o contraste foi eliminado. O tempo total de elimina o do contraste foi, em m谷dia, de 17,6 ㊣ 2,4 dias, sendo o m赤nimo de 12 e o m芍ximo de 22 dias