
作者:Ren Zheng-Wei; Li Xue-Ting; Wang Li-Na; Tong Yan; Xu Shi-Wei; Ding Wei
来源:Acta Electronica Sinica, 2022, 50(10): 2542-2560.


The outsourcing feature of cloud storage separates the ownership and management/possession of data, making data security being one of the research topics. In cloud storage, as a part of data security and the last stage of the data life cycle, assured deletion of the outsourced data is aimed to make sure that the data retained by the cloud service provider, data user, and network is invalid and unrecoverable, which can achieve the goal of preventing the potential security risks such as data abuse and privacy leakage. The main research methodology of data assured deletion is to convert the data deletion problem to controlling and deleting the encryption key securely using cryptography theories and technologies. More precisely, when the encryption algorithm is secure, the outsourced encrypted data cannot be decrypted and accessed any more if the encryption key is deleted securely. As a result, it can be considered that the data has been deleted computationally. This paper summaries and reviews the assured deletion problem of outsourced data in cloud storage. Firstly, we introduce the research background and the main research methodology of assured deletion of the outsourced data. Secondly, we expound our thinking on this problem, including the general model of this problem and the critical scientific problems it contains. Thirdly, we systematically survey the state-of-art of existing work in a classified manner and analyze the characteristics and research trends of each classification. Then, we demonstrate some of the expected functions of outsourced data assured deletion via several application cases with many users. Finally, the future research roadmaps of this field are discussed. ? 2022 Chinese Institute of Electronics.
