
作者:Tianjin University Research Institute of Architectural Design & Urban Planning
来源:建筑创作, 2019, (03): 4-17.


<正>我们相信,中国国家美术馆必将成为整个文化建筑群的点睛之笔,也必将成为全球艺术家心中向往的圣殿,她不再仅仅是一个被看的客体,她神奇地具有了生命,成为了看与被看的主体,成为开放的中国面向世界的窗口!We fully believe that the National Art Museum of China will be the magnum opus of the whole Culture Complex,and also the shrine for which the artists all over the world yearn,the window through which China opens to the outside world.She is no longer regarded as an object,but is miraculously endowed with life,becoming the subject and stage of "to watching and being watched"!