
Based on the characteristic of anisotropic reflectance of nighttime TOA (top-of-atmosphere), a new method was proposed to evaluate the accuracy of on-orbit radiometric calibration of nighttime sensors using a relative accurate simulation of the nighttime radiative transfer. Specially, the Antarctic Dome C site was selected as the study area, and the nighttime on-orbit radiance was simulated by the MT2009 (Miller-Turner 2009) TOA lunar irradiance model and TOA BRDF (Bidirectional Reflectance Distribution Function) model. After the analysis of the consistency of VIIRS DNB (Visible Infrared Imaging Radiometer Suit Day/Night Band) observed and simulated radiance under the same geometry, it was found that their differences were about 4.97×10-10W?cm-2?sr-1one order of magnitude blow the minimum detection threshold of VIIRS DNB (3×10-9W?cm-2?sr-1) during 2018-2020. So there is good performance of on-orbit radiometric calibration of VIIRS DNB on SNPP and NOAA-20 based on the error range of acceptable instrument sensitivity. Besides, an evaluation of on-orbit radiometric calibration stability of VIIRS DNB was conducted based on the distance-corrected radiance of SNPP VIIRS DNB and NOAA-20 VIIRS DNB. And it was found that when under the same lunar phase angle, the VIIRS DNB radiance kept a good consistency within 6% between SNPP and NOAA-20.
