O g那nero Galeandra (Orchidaceae) na Amazˋnia Brasileira

作者:Monteiro; Silvana Helena N; Silva; Manoela Ferreira Fernandes da; Secco; Ricardo de Souza
来源:Acta Amazonica, 2009, 39(1): 21-33.


this paper is an inventory of species of the genus galeandra lindl. in the brazilian amazon. the occurrence of seven species was confirmed: g. baueri lindl., g. cu bw rvifolia barb. rodr., g. devoniana schomb. ex lindl., g. lacustris barb. rodr., g. montana barb. rodr., g. stangeana rchb.f. and g. stillomisantha (vell.). galeandra baueri was considered a new record for the flora of brazil. although g. beyrichii rchb.f and g. paraguayensis cogn. do not occur in the brazilian amazon, they were included in the paper because they occur in areas belonging to the legal amazon. identification key, descriptions and illustrations are presented, as well as comments on the geographical distribution, habitat and aspects of phenology for the studied species.
