Objetivou-se avaliar a efici那ncia relativa da sele o massal, entre e dentro e de um novo 赤ndice de sele o combinada proposto. O 赤ndice, baseado na genealogia, foi obtido por: IC = b1 PSn-1 + b2PFSn , em que PSn-1 谷 o valor fenot赤pico da planta Sn 每 1; PFSn 谷 o valor fenot赤pico da fam赤lia Sn descendente da planta Sn 每 1; b1 谷 o peso do valor fenot赤pico individual; e b2 谷 o peso do valor fenot赤pico de fam赤lia Sn. Os pesos foram obtidos por deriva o, pressupondo que os mesmos minimizam a variancia da diferen a entre o 赤ndice eo valor gen谷tico aditivo da planta Sn 每 1. Para comparar os m谷todos, utilizaram-se fam赤lias e plantas endogamicas, obtidas da popula o Vi osa. Fez-se sele o em capacidade de expans o, utilizando os tr那s m谷todos nas gera es S1, S2, S3 e S4, e avaliou-se a efici那ncia dosm谷todos comparando m谷dias em capacidade de expans o de fam赤lias descendentes de selecionadas por cada m谷todo em S2, S3, S4 e S5. Para compara o de m谷dias, utilizou-se o teste t ao n赤vel de 5% de probabilidade. Concluiu-se que a sele o combinada proposta foisuperior 角 sele o massal e foi, em geral, superior 角 sele o entre e dentro. A sele o entre e dentro foi, geralmente, superior 角 sele o massal. The study aimed to evaluate the relative efficiency of mass selection, among, within and of proposed new index of combined selection. The index, based on genealogy, was obtained by: IC = b1 PSn-1 + b2PFSn , wherePSn-1 is the phenotypic value of the plantSn-1; PFSn is the phenotypic value of the Sn family, descendant of the Sn-1 plant; b1 is the weight of the individual phenotypic value, and b2 it is the weight of the phenotypic value of Sn family. The weights were obtained by derivation, assuming that they minimize thevariance of the difference between the index and the value of the plant genetic additive Sn-1. To compare the methods, families and inbred plants were used, obtained from the population of Vi osa. A selection was made for popping expansion, using the three methodsin S1, S2, S3 and S4 generations, and the efficiency of the methods of comparing averages in popping expansion of descendants of families selected by each method in S2, S3, S4 and S5 was assessed. For comparison of averages, the t-test at 5% of probability was used. It is concluded that the combined selection proposal was superior to the mass selection and was, in general, higher than the selection among and within. The selection among and within was, in general, higher than the mass selection.