Potencial fisiol車gico de sementes de mamona tratadas com micronutrientes

作者:Oliveira; Rosa Honorato de; Souza; Myrne Jamilly de Lima; Morais; Otoniel Magalhes; Guimares; Bruno Vinicius Castro; Pereira Junior; Hercilio de Assis
来源:Acta Scientiarum - Agronomy, 2010.


the objective of this work was to evaluate the effect of micronutrient application on the germination and vigor of castor bean seeds, cv. brs 149 nordestina. a completely randomized design was used, with four repetitions of 25 seeds. the treatments were control, immersion in water, immersion in b, immersion in zn, immersion in cu, immersion in mn, immersion in mo and immersion in fe. the results obtained indicate there was an increase in germination and vigor with the application of micronutrients in castor bean seeds. b was the most harmful on germination and vigor, and increased the percentage of impermeable and dormant seeds.
