
The economic effects resulting from the diminishing catch per unit of effort (CPUE) in the nylon shrimp and squat lobster fishery off northern-central Chile from 1997 to 2000 were evaluated. A bio-technological simulation model was used that describes the physical and biological performance variables for the fishery. An economic submodel was incorporated to the original model in order to perform an integrated analysis of the crustacean fishery, including the catch and processing sub-sectors. The economic results, in conjunction with the data on catch and stock size, explained this fishery%26apos;s dynamic off northern-central Chile during the study period. The total catch increased 21% between 1997 and 2000 and the final production increased 24%, but the quasi rent of the variable costs increased only 11%. The same period saw costs associated with fishing trips increase 117% and the total production cost increased 93%. The study results showed that part of the profits were lost due to the decreased biomass of both resources and the excessive increase in the average production costs, which were explained by the increased fishing trip costs. In order to obtain a better representation of the fishery%26apos;s performance, economic references points should be incorporated to complement the traditional biological (biomass) and fishery (CPUE, catches) proxies Se analiz車 el efecto econ車mico debido a la disminuci車n de la captura por unidad de esfuerzo (CPUE) en la pesquer赤a de camar車n nailon y langostino amarillo en la zona norte y central de Chile durante el periodo 1997-2000. Se utiliz車 un modelo de simulaci車n biol車gico-tecnol車gico que da cuenta de variables de desempe o f赤sicas y biol車gicas. A este modelo se le incorpor車 un submodelo econ車mico para realizar un an芍lisis integrado de la pesquer赤a de crust芍ceos que incluye el subsector de captura y procesamiento. Los resultados econ車micos obtenidos, sumados a los resultados de captura y de tama o del stock permiten explicar la din芍mica de esta pesquer赤a en la zona centro-norte de Chile durante el per赤odo 1997-2000, donde la captura aument車 en 21%, la producci車n final aument車 en 24%, pero la cuasi renta de los costos variables aument車 s車lo 11%. En este mismo per赤odo los costos por marea incrementaron 117% y el costo total de producci車n aument車 93%. Los resultados mostraron que parte del beneficio econ車mico se pierde debido a la disminuci車n de la biomasa de ambos recursos y a un aumento excesivo en los costos medios de producci車n, que fueron explicados por el aumento en los costos de marea. Se recomienda incorporar puntos de re
