Gravidade da lesˋo e analgesia em pacientes que sofreram acidentes de transporte

作者:Calil; Ana Maria; Pimenta; Cibele Andrucioli de Mattos
来源:ACTA Paulista de Enfermagem, 2008.


objective: identifying the frequency and gravity of injuries in patients who suffered accidents in traffic and the analgesic drugs utilized. methods: retrospective study, with a sample of 200 medical records of patients admitted to the emergency services of a reference hospital for trauma care. the gravity of the injuries was characterized by anatomic gravity rates and the analgesic therapy was based on the world health organization%26apos;s analgesic ladder. results: the main findings pointed to injuries in limbs, head, face and outer surface as the most frequent, and, in 85% of the cases, gravity was equal or lower than 3; as for analgesia, it was verified that 46;6% of the patients received dipyrone and paracetamol. among the opioids, meperidine was used in 10.4% of the cases. conclusion: the gravity of most injuries was equal or lower to 3, indicating injuries of light, moderate and serious gravity, located especially in four body regions; regarding analgesia, dipyrone was shown to be the most commonly-used drug and a low use of opioids was verified.
