Between 1329 and 1458 the kingdom of Valencia witnessed a development of an assocaitive movement parallel to other European regions, which gave rise to the appearence of a great number of associations divided in two main groups: religious and trade brotherhoods. Their objectives were to cover a series of spiritual and charity needs, and also to serve as a representation for the traditional handicrafts, looking for a great influence on the urban world by means of a series of symbols, which permited a high grade of social exhibition. Entre los a os 1329 y 1458, el reino de Valencia asisti車 al desarrollo de un movimiento asociativo, paralelo a otras regiones europeas, que dio lugar a la aparici車n de un buen n迆mero de corporaciones divididas en dos grandes grupos: cofrad赤as religiosas y cofrad赤as de oficio. Sus objetivos eran cubrir una serie de necesidades espirituales y ben谷ficas, pero tambi谷n servir de representaci車n a los oficios artesanos, buscando as赤 una mayor influencia en el mundo urbano a trav谷s de la ostentaci車n de una serie de s赤mbolos, que permitieron un alto grado de exhibici車n social.