This paper characterises scientific output in biomedicine in Andalusia, and Spain as a whole, and conduct a first-time comparison to Europe- and world-wide production. The data were extracted from the Scopus database. Three families of indicators are explored to analyse research quantity, quality and collaboration. The results show an upward trend on biomedical output in Andalusia. Over 50 % was in clinical medicine, whose growth doubled the basic medicine. We found greater than nationwide specialisation in biochemistry, genetics and molecular biology, immunology and microbiology, and pharmacology, while psychology proved to be the most prominent emerging area. The publication in most cited journals together with national and international collaboration enhanced research visibility. More citable papers were published on basic than clinical medicine, and the number of citations received by the former was also larger. The higher citation rate in basic medicine may also be explained by the bigger percentage of papers published in international instead domestic journals. Hence, publication patterns would appear to affect research visibility. The methodology proposed may provide guidance for public policy makers to improve, encourage and intensify good biomedical research practice. Este trabajo presenta una caracterizaci車n bibliom谷trica de la producci車n cient赤fica biom谷dica en Andaluc赤a y Espa a durante la d谷cada 1996-2007, compar芍ndola por primera vez a nivel europeo y mundial. El an芍lisis se ha realizado con los datos procedentes del 赤ndice multidisciplinar de citas Scopus, que duplica en volumen a los 赤ndices Thomson Reuters. Se exploran tres bloques de indicadores bibliom谷tricos para el an芍lisis de la dimensi車n cuantitativa, cualitativa y colaborativa. Los resultados han revelado una tasa de crecimiento de la investigaci車n en Andaluc赤a del 124 % frente al 97 % nacional, principalmente en el campo de la Medicina B芍sica m芍s que en la Cl赤nica. Tambi谷n se ha detectado una mayor especializaci車n tem芍tica con respecto a Espa a en Bioqu赤mica, Gen谷tica y Biolog赤a Molecular, en Inmunolog赤a y Microbiolog赤a y finalmente en Farmacolog赤a, mientras que Psicolog赤a destaca como el 芍rea m芍s claramente emergente. La publicaci車n de una mayor cantidad de documentos citables, la publicaci車n en revistas nacionales y la colaboraci車n internacional influyen en la visibilidad de la investigaci車n. Por tanto, los patrones de publicaci車n parecen estar influyendo en su visibilidad. La metodolog赤a propuesta proporciona una bater赤a de indicadores y representaciones gr芍ficas que permiten