Os problemas respirat車rios representam uma das principais causas demorbidades de crian as em praticamente todo Brasil, sendo a polui o atmosf谷rica uma das principais causas. Este trabalho teve como objetivo avaliar a associa o entre o n迆mero de interna es hospitalares de crian as por problemas respirat車rios e a concentra o de material particulado em suspens o no ar no munic赤pio de Divin車polis, Estado de Minas Gerais, no per赤odo de 2000 a 2006. A metodologia utilizada foi a da pesquisa epidemiol車gica n oexperimentaldescritiva e explorat車ria, caracterizando-se num estudo retrospectivo.Observou-se que, durante o per赤odo estudado, os dist迆rbios respirat車rios ocuparam uma posi o de destaque dentre as hospitaliza es na rede p迆blica, correspondendo 角 principal causa de interna o com um ter o do n迆mero total de interna es no per赤odo. A an芍lise dos dados evidenciou rela o inversa entre a concentra o de material particulado no ar e as vari芍veis meteorol車gicas. Os dados mostraram ainda uma rela o direta entre a concentra o de particulados na atmosfera, a qualidade do ar e o quadro epidemiol車gico, este 迆ltimo retratado pelo n迆mero de interna es hospitalares de crian as por problemas respirat車rios. Respiratory problems represent one of the main morbidity causes in children in practically all of Brazil, with air pollution being one of the chief causes. This work was intended to evaluate the association between the number of hospital admissions for respiratory problems in children and the concentration of suspended particulate material in suspension in the town of Divin車polis, Minas Gerais State, in the period from 2000 to 2006. The methodology used was that of the descriptive and exploratory non-experimental research, characterizing itself in a retrospective study. It was found that during the investigated period, respiratory disturbances reached the top position in hospitalizations in public hospitals, correspondingto the main cause of admission and representing one third of all admissions over that period. The analysis of the data stressed an inverse ratio between the concentration of particulates in air and meteorological change. The data show further that there is a directrelationship between the concentration of particulates in the atmosphere, air quality and the epidemiologic picture, the latter pictured by the number of hospital admissions of children for respiratory diseases.