Functional characterization of VscCD, an important component of the type Ⅲ secretion system of Vibrio harveyi.

作者:Zhang Yaqiu; Deng Yiqin; Feng Juan; Guo Zhixun; Chen Haoxiang; Wang Baotun; Hu Jianmei; Lin Ziyang; Su Youlu
来源:Microbial Pathogenesis, 2021, 157: 104965.


Vibrio harveyi is a Gram-negative bacterium that occurs widely in the ocean and a kind of pathogenic bacteria associated with vibriosis in grouper. We investigated whether the VscCD protein of the type Ⅲ secretion system (T3SS) was important for pathogenicity of V. harveyi. Mutations to the vscC and vscD genes (ΔvscCD) and complementation of the ΔvscCD mutant (C-ΔvscCD) were created. Moreover, the biological characteristics of the wild-type (WT) and mutant strains of V. harveyi 345 were compared. The results showed that deletion of the vscCD genes had no effect on bacterial growth, swimming/swarming ability, secretion of extracellular protease, or biofilm formation. However, as compared with the V. harveyi 345: pMMB207 (WT+) and complementary (C-ΔvscCD) strains, the ΔvscCD: pMMB207 (ΔvscCD+) mutant displayed decreased resistance to acid stress, H2O2, and antibiotics. In addition, infection of the pearl gentian grouper (♀Epinephelus fuscoguttatus × ♂Epinephelus lanceolatu) showed that as compared with the WT+ ...