Identifying the Barriers to Iran*s Saffron Export by Using Porter*s Diamond Model

作者:Seyed Fathollah Amiri Aghdaie; Mohsen Seidi; Arash Riasi
来源:International Journal of Marketing Studies, 2012.


Saffron is an important export product of Iran. Saffron role as an agricultural export product is now obvious worldwide. It is important to identify the barriers to Iran*s Saffron export in order to maintain Iran*s position as the world*s biggest producer and exporter of saffron. The purpose of this study is to determine the barriers to Iran*s saffron export to international markets using Michael Porter*s Diamond Model. The type of this paper is empirical and practical and the data collection method is descriptive-cognition. The related information for this scope have been collected by using library resources such as books, scientific journals and moreover, in order to accept or reject the research hypotheses a questionnaire with 42 questions made by researchers have been used. The statistical society of this research includes all the managers, advisors and experts of Iranian saffron export companies. All the hypotheses of the research were analyzed at the 95% confidence level. The results show that the most important barriers to Iran*s saffron export include the demand conditions, related and supporting industries, firm strategy, structure, and rivalry, government, and chance. The results also indicate that factor conditions are not important barriers to Iran*s saffron export.
