this study analyzes different experiments with reflectance measurements to review the patterns of the first two constants of the models of radiative interaction in the red (r) and near infrared (nir) space. from experimental evidence, it is concluded that the first order model of interactions is sufficient for this aim. secondly, the algorithm of the spectral index iv_cimas is developed and applied to crop experiments, concluding that this index is only a relative improvement over the ndvicp index and that the expo-linear phase of the vegetative growth stage of the vegetation are well-described by both. the reproductive phase is not adequately modeled by either of the spectral indexes. finally, the models of sun-sensor geometry proposed are reviewed, and it is concluded that these have good experimental fit, allowing this geometry to be standardized. modeling of the associated patterns to the spectral curve constants of equal vegetation is very difficult to do because of properties of the spaces used. the problem of designing vegetation indexes is still open.