
<正>诺丁山狂欢节是伦敦最大的街头派对,欧洲规模最大的街头文化艺木节,也是世界上最大的街头节日之一。狂欢人群伴随着欢快的拉丁舞曲和钢鼓节奏舞蹈,不同肤色的孩子们身着色彩斑斓的服装,脸上涂着各色颜料,载歌载舞。伦敦西部的街道充满了加勒比海的色彩、音乐和味道。Notting Hill Carnival is the largest street party in London and the biggest street culture and art festival in Europe.The streels of west London are flooded with Caribbean colors,music and flavors.DJs from Britain and all over the world play all kinds of music such as Calypso,Soca and Samba with the vehicle-mounted mixers.The strong rhythm of steel drums is so compelling that people gyrate wildly to the beat of music.