We would like to highlight the apparent potential of the SARS-CoV-2 virus in causing airway oedema and laryngitis; particularly of relevance when managing the airways of critically ill patients suffering from COVID-19. This is relevant to colleagues intubating and extubating the tracheas of critically ill patients and also to colleagues from ENT who may be asked to provide opinions on airway oedema around the time of tracheal extubation. In our tertiary UK hospital, staff have intubated the tracheas of more than 30 patients to date and we have experienced one failed intubation due to airway oedema and two (of eight) patients have developed stridor following trachea extubation. Both stridulous patients required tracheal re-intubation; one was successfully extubated 48 h later, and one required subsequent tracheostomy. A further patient with suspected laryngeal oedema underwent a period of review and then proceeded to tracheostomy without an extubation trial.